Entries in AWESC (7)


AWESC Environmental Tip of the Month

The SAVMA Animal Welfare and Environmental Stewarship Committee would like to share some helpful hints regarding how to develop green habits while spending more time at home!  If you happen to live near the coast (or even if you don't!), take a study break to participate in International Coastal Cleanup Month!  Every small step brings us closer to a healthier environment, so join the ~wave~ of clean and green!


Endangered Species Day

May 15, 2020 is the 15th anniversary of Endangered Species Day. In the USA, the Endangered Species Act was established in 1973 and provides a program to conserve threatened animals and plants in the habitats where they reside. The International Union for Conservation of Nature is the global authority determining the natural world statuses and what measures are needed to preserve them. Today, AWESC invites you to learn about endangered animals & conservation advocacy!

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