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A huge thank you to Dr. Kimberly Pope-Robinson for sharing this scholarship opportunity with us!  This is an amazing way to express your passion for the Human-Animal Bond and maybe earn some scholarship funds!  Please see below for additional information. 


To promote the mission of HABA to veterinary students and to encourage participation and leadership in the Human-Animal Bond space. HABA will sponsor a student scholarship of up to $2000/year, with the final amount to be determined by the board of directors. The board reserves the right to offer more than one scholarship or no scholarship at all. The scholarship is to be used toward tuition/fees and payment for the calendar year and will be made directly to the student’s school. HABA will award a student scholarship under the following guidelines.

The Applicant Must:

  1. Be a veterinary student currently enrolled in an AVMA accredited veterinary college/school
  2. Be in good academic standing at the AVMA accredited veterinary college/school
  3. Be a HABA member (student membership is free).  Enroll at https://www.humananimalbond.net/for-students
  4. Submit an essay between 250 and 500 words. The essay should include the understanding of, and interest in, the Human Animal Bond. Special preference will be given to leadership, activity, and interest in the Human Animal Bond.
  5. Submit the completed HABA Student Scholarship Application and Essay by January 15, 2021.
  6. Title the documents with your last name first, followed by your first name and veterinary college/school.

The Awardee will be expected to:

  • Submit a personal profile article for the HABA newsletter.
  • Provide written permission for social media use of her / his mane and photo in HABA’s website, newsletter, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter Accounts.
  • At the board’s discretion, may be invited to sit on the board as a student representative with HABA.

The contest deadline is January 15, 2021. The awardee will be notified by March 15, 2021APPLY HERE!

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