Entries in COVID19 (23)


Dogs Sniffing for COVID-19

"Scientists are training dogs to identify COVID-19 by following their noses.

A new program at the University of Pennsylvania's School of Veterinary Medicine (Penn Vet) is putting noses to the grindstone for disease detection. Researchers are working with dogs to see if the canines' superior sniffers can help with early detection of COVID-19 in humans."

Read more about this incredible research here.


How Texas A&M Veterinary Lab is Helping with COVID-19

Awesome vet med shout out! The Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory at Texas A&M University has teamed up with local health care providers to process hundreds of COVID-19 samples. Read the full article here. Keep up the great work, Texas A&M!


Students Combat COVID - The Virtual 5k

Are you looking for some motivation to get active, or looking for a way YOU can help all the incredible heathlcare providers in the frontlines? Well, look no further! SAVMA (due to the hard work of our incredible GPHO's!) has teamed up with AOSA (American Optometric Student Association), APTASA (American Physical Therapy Association Student Assembly), and SOMA (Student Osteopathic Medical Association) in order to donate to an incredible cause AND have some fun! Your donation is your "registration" fee. It is not required, however, all money raised will be donated to the CDC! You can decide to complete the 5k however you choose, whether that be running, walking, biking, skipping, dancing... we just want you to get active and get outside!

The student organization who raises the most money for the CDC Fundation wins glory and bragging rights... pretty awesome! This will be going on for the whole month of May. Directions are below, and the link to donate can be found here! Have fun with it!

Step 1: Use the above link and click Donate.

Step 2: Select the amount you wish to donate, and fill out the additional information below. Feel free to remain anonymous if you so choose!

Step 3: MAKE SURE YOU DONATE TO YOUR TEAM! Click the drop down and look for SAVMA!

Step 4: Have the best time completing your 5k!


How Can I Help: Community Support During COVID-19

The incredible SAVMA Global and Public Health Officers are at it again with their incredible graphics! With all this chaos going on in the world, it is difficult to avoid feeling powerless to help. But think again! Read below to see some of the small things you can do to make a big difference amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.


Coronavirus Fast Facts brought to you by SAVMA

Over the next few days, we will be sharing some fast facts about COVID19 to help you and your loved ones stay safe! Special thanks to our Global and Public Health Officers for creating these graphics.