Entries in travel grant (8)



Submitted by Vivian Lee, Cornell University

Retrospective Conference Travel Grant

Attending the International Association for Aquatic Animal Medicine (IAAAM) Conference 2023 was one of the most impactful events that has shaped my career thus far. As an aspiring aquatic veterinarian, I have spent 6+ years dedicating myself to setting up a successful career path and partaking in as many opportunities possible. However, the COVID-19 pandemic affected many of the programs I participated in such as AQUAVET, externships, and especially, conferences. The 2023 IAAAM Conference was the first in-person conference held since COVID-19 and my first in-person IAAAM conference presentation. This conference hosts the most important people in this field and “founders” of marine mammal medicine, many of whom I made connections with at this event. In addition, I was able to network with prospective employers for internship and residency programs as well as meet interns/residents to discuss their experiences. By presenting my research, I shared knowledge with the community and discussed future research collaborations with other organizations. Attending the many research presentations and a “Marine Mammal Anesthesia” workshop taught by the founders of the specialty made for an unforgettable learning experience that I will certainly apply to my future career. Overall, attending this conference provided invaluable networking and learning opportunities but most importantly, it helped me confirm that this is the specialty I want to pursue and a community that I would like to remain a part of. Reminiscing on this experience continues to motivate and inspire me to pursue this career during difficult times. Thank you to SAVMA’s Education and Professional Development Committee for providing me with the Retrospective Conference Travel Grant so that I could partake in this memorable event!



ICDC Travel Grant Supporting Diversity and Communications

Chelsea Drumgoole, North Carolina State University

"This grant will be helpful because it will allow me to fully immerse myself in the wonderful opportunities this trip has to offer!!"


ICDC Travel Grant Winners

“I had the opportunity to attend the TVMA Conference in February. At the conference I got to meet veterinarians from across Texas. One special person I got to meet was the AVMA president, Dr. Howe! I also attended many lecture sessions and learned about advancements in veterinary medicine!” – Taylor Gourley, Texas A & M, TVMA Conference, San Marcos, TX


ICDC Travel Grant Winners

“Came to see the Arch, stayed for the Zoo medicine! This past fall I had the opportunity to attend the 2019 American Association of Zoo Veterinarians. It was an incredible experience where I got to rub elbows with some of the top zoo veterinarians in the field as well as attend lectures and labs.” – Alexandria Armeni, University of Minnesota, American Association of Zoo Veterinarians Conference, St. Louis, MO


ICDC Travel Grant Winners

 “Thankful for the opportunity to not only advocate for animal health and welfare but also for the profession which I have dedicated my life to!” - Heidi Free, Kansas State University, 2020 SAVMA Legislative Fly-In, Washington, D.C.