Entries in ELC (3)


NAVLE Survey--How to Study

This post is a little bit long (alright, it's really long) but it should be quite helpful. Last year the Education and Licensure Committee put together a survey of past 4th year students to gauge how they studied for NAVLE. The results are compiled here to give you a good idea of how those before us survived. Happy reading!

Hello eager vet students! Summer is the time for fun, enjoying some much needed time off from the rigor and grind of our curriculum…unless, of course, you’re in the class of 2011. For you all this may be the most important time of your educational career as you prepare yourself in a hospital setting for practicing your profession to the utmost of your abilities and get ready to take the NAVLE, the North American Veterinary Licensing Examination! The SAVMA Education and Licensure Committee conducted a survey of graduating fourth year students from all the veterinary schools this past spring, asking them questions like:

  • When did you start studying?
  • What books did you find most helpful?
  • What review service helped you?

We’ve worked hard to compile the answers to these questions, and in this issue of The Vet Gazette we’d like to offer you some highlights. In addition, we will send specific information from YOUR graduated seniors to your SAVMA delegate. So, if you have more questions or want more information, please feel free to contact them. Read on, and we hope you find some advice to guide you in your studies, and GOOD LUCK THIS FALL!

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Saving Plastic Horses (and hopefully real ones too)

The delegates in your SAVMA House of Delegates work hard to help bring new and interesting programs to your schools. Here is an example of that work in action. Every year, the Education and Licensure Committee puts on a grant competition to help fund programs that cover topics not otherwise covered in the veterinary curriculum. One of the winners this year was Large Animal Technical Rescue Team at University of Florida. You can read about the event that they put on and check out the cool pictures. If you want to know more about what opportunities are available for funding through SAVMA, click the "contests and awards" link on the right.

Article by: Jaimie Miller

Class of 2012, University of Florida College of Veterinary Medicine

The UF College of Veterinary Medicine’s Large Animal Technical Rescue Team (a component of its disaster response team “VETS”), DVM students from the Public Health and Service Club (PHSC), and a Florida Veterinary Reserve Corps veterinarian, trained with 35 firefighters from St. Johns County and Clay County Technical Rescue Teams over the April 2-4 weekend at the Star 4 Ranch.

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Update from the Education and Licensure Committee

Within the Student AVMA House of Delegates there are many committees made up of your student delegates. These committees work hard to create scholarships, grants and other contests that are available to you as a SAVMA member or a club or group at your school. This is free money that they want to give away! To check out the opportunities available to you through these committees, head over to:http://www.avma.org/savma/committee.asp#license

Back in the fall the Education and Licensure Committee picked two recipients for their Extracurricular Funding Grant. The purpose of this grant is to provide veterinary student organizations funding for wet labs or lectures supplementing their college's curriculum. These grants typically are awarded to help fund programs that veterinary students would not normally be exposed to in their traditional courses. The winners for the 2009-2010 school year were an equine acupuncture wet lab held at University of Pennsylvania and the Marine Mammal Conference at University of Wisconsin. You can read more about the Marine Mammal Conference below.

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