Entries in SAVMA (36)


AVMA Convention

At the recent AVMA Convention held in Denver, Colorado SAVMA student leaders from all over the country and beyond met to discuss veterinary student issues. One of the biggest topics discussed by SAVMA presidents and delegates was collaboration; collaboration with each other, other clubs, and other schools. These types of collaboration can successfully help benefits reach more students.


There is another year of ALL for Students funding. This money goes towards supporting all SAVMA chapters in Professional Development, Community Outreach, Leadership and Wellness activities. A huge thank you to our sponsors American Veterinary Medical Association, AVMA PLIT, AVMA Life and SAVMA.  


Meet the Executive Board

Meet your new SAVMA Executive Board officers

Starting from the top left and snaking down

International Exchange Officer-Elect: Perry Koehler (Cornell University)
Immediate Past President: Jeff Olivarez (Oklahoma State University)
Chapter President Representative: Aaron Judson (Tuskegee University)
Treasurer: Ashika Seshadri (St. George's University)
Veterinary Economics Officer-Elect: Katelyn Behm (Ross University)
Editor in Chief: Kyndel Lann (Midwestern University)
Secretary: Whitney Patz (Lincoln Memorial University)
Global and Public Health Officer-Elect: Sarah Marnin (Iowa State)
President-Elect: Kyre Larrabee (Oklahoma State University)
Global and Public Health Officer: Allison Siu (Auburn University)
Cultural Outreach Officer: Stephie-Anne Duliepre (Cornell University)
International Exchange Officer: Kayla Caturay (Ross University)
President: Sarah Neuser (University of Minnesota)
Veteriary Economics Officer: Taylor DeWitt (Purdue University)

Not pictured:

Communications and Public Health Officer: Abbey Sharp (University of Missouri)
Communications and Public Health Officer-Elect: Kimberly Koenig (Washington State)
Chapter President Representative-Elect: Jonathan Tubbs (Auburn University)


These students represent veterinary students on a national basis and are here to voice your thoughts and concerns. Please, reach out to your local SAVMA chapter officers for regular updates or concerns. Check your email for the monthly SAVMANews for all the available opportunites SAVMA has to offer you. 



AVMA Booth at SAVMA Symposium


Your SAVMA Editors visit the AVMA booth at SAVMA Symposium 2018 UPenn


The AVMA and SAVMA have a lot to offer students. Those at symposium make sure to visit their booth to learn more.

Those at home visit these sites to learn about the many opportunities for students by clicking on these links:

Benefits of SAVMA Membership

SAVMA Grants

Student Externship Locator

Veterinary Career Center

AVMA Externships

AVMA PLIT Student Benefits

American Veterinary Medical Foundation Student Benefits


One Health Meeting at SAVMA Symposium

Are you a One Health enthusiast? Or just familiar with the concept but wanting to learn more? This meeting is for you!


NEW Personal Financial Planning tool from AVMA!

Student AVMA members, it is time to get excited! The AVMA has created a brand new online tool, targeted specifically for AVMA members to assist with financial planning. Student loans are a hot topic amongst veterinary students and especially those recent graduates who are beginning their loan repayments. The AVMA Personal Financial Planning (PFP) tool has taken the headache out of financial planning! It gives you an easy way to organize your finances, while also taking into account the specific budget concerns of veterinarians. Now it’s possible to plan for not only your current expenses, but also your long term financial and career goals. This tool makes it easy for anyone to set up a budget, walking you through the essential steps for set up in no time at all.

As students, we need to think of the future, loan repayment, and retirement planning. This tool makes it easy to start now while sitting at home on your computer. It doesn’t involve going to a financial planner, it involves you at home inputting your own information, getting feedback as soon as you click “submit”.  For students, the scenario mode is especially applicable. You can see how your budget would change based on income level and amount of debt. The folks at AVMA have made the PFP very user friendly for us, and have gone above and beyond with even more advanced financial planning tools at your disposal. A few of the extras that SAVMA students can utilize include a veterinary salary calculator, cost of living comparisons, rent or buy calculator, credit card calculator, automobile cost of ownership, and tips on how to stand out in your new job. They have really listened to the concerns of students and practitioners alike and delivered something great!

As SAVMA members we are fortunate to have access to this wonderful financial planning tool as part of our yearly membership. It can be accessed using your SAVMA ID at avma.org/mybudget.